Wednesday, 7 July 2010


As you know yesterday I took mum to the hospital.

I managed to snag a wheelchair from the entrance (which incidentally have a pound coin attachment like at the supermarkets, which always tickles me for some reason), we seemed to wait ages for an x ray but by the time we had finished at radiology it was 2.55pm. Her appointment at the lung centre which is at the other side of the hospital was at 3pm.
Anyone that knows me will know that I absolutley loath being late. I managed to do a quick pace wheeling her down the maze of coridors to ensure that we got there in time.

By the time we got to the reception of the lung centre I was out of breath and thinking that I was glad I have stopped smoking.

After checking in at reception we were told to go into the waiting area. Well through these double doors, there were loads of people! After all my rushing about.

Funny how mum can get out of the wheelchair to get the OK magazine off the table though to read while we waited our turn.

The appointment was for a review after her first cycle of chemo. Asking how she was feeling and how she reacted to it and also to look at her x rays to see if there had been any kind of improvement.

We explained how rough mum had been the other Sunday with the sickness and dioarhea, and also shown the doctor mums tongue which seems swollen and cracked.
The doctor sems to think that the next cycle of chemo might not be as bad as they will give us some anti dioarhea and strong anti sickness drugs and also some mouthwash for her tongue.

The lethargy is just completely natural but I think this is probably the hardest thing for mum as she always been so active.

After comparing the x rays from one she had taken the day before the chemo a few weeks ago against the one she had yesterday it does look like it is responding to the chemo.
A ct scan will be done after the third lot of chemo to be a bit more definate but for the time being, as mum seems to be tolerating the treatment its worth persuing.

When the doctor asked mum if there was anything else she wanted to ask, she said yes but it was personal. I moved in my seat because I was going to get up and leave the room, then mum went on to ask the doctor how old she was. I think it took the doctor and me by suprise a bit.
Mums just said ' you look so young' .

In the car coming home mum said that all the time we have known about the illness she has never once thought 'why me?'
I thought that was a natural reaction and maybe it will come later on, or maybe people dont react the same, I really dont know, I think Ive got some more reading to do really before next week.

I want to brush up on the chemo information and also the booklet about feelings.

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