Saturday, 21 August 2010


Well.............. Here's a happier blog post............

Followers will know that I have been away for a few days, for a deserving re-charge of my batteries.

While I was away, Mum had an appointment with the oncologist and they reviewed how the chemo was going.

They said that the cancer in all areas (lung, lymph nodes and adrenal glands) was responding to chemo and actually shrinking! They used the word remission, but I must stress before we get excited that it just means that its under better control, not spreading any further and getting any bigger. It will not cure her.

I spoke to mum on the phone and she sounded excited. I suppose the biggest fear when going through cemo is to go through all that and it not be working.

She is scheduled for Chemo again 25,26 & 27th and this will be her last cycle.

From my understanding of it they will keep reviewing her and if the cancer shows signs of growing again they will giver her another 4 cycles of chemo.

This will carry on for as long as the chemo is tolerable.

I spoke to her again last night when I got back from holiday and she sounded so well. She said she has bought herself a new scarf for her head, though apparantly my brother said that she looks like a bedowin.

We are going for our usual Saturday slap up breakfast this morning. And I can say that after my break I truly have come back refreshed and so much happier, focussed and ready to take on the world, his wife and mums canacer again.

1 comment:

  1. Please contact me asap. Thanks.
